Erin Cawley

Erin Cawley

Founding Director of the Welcoming Committee, Fruit Snack Supplier, Active Member of the No Warm-up Warm-up Club, and part-time coach

Goggins 4*4*48 two-time Finisher, Expertise in Frolicking, Casual Runner, Washed-Up Collegiate Swimmer, To-be Alcatraz Escapee


Was once given a coaching award for being a "Smile Manufacturer", Decent Listener, Great Hugger, and Bomb Chocolate Chip Cookie Baker.

About Coach

My biggest athletic achievement in 2021 was probably joining the double-unders club. They may be ugly but practice, stubbornness, and a new rope got me there.

Turning Point

A turning point for me was when a swimming coach told me I was a waste of money, space, and time. Ask me what happened the next season.

Motivation & Passion

I greatly enjoy helping people to reach their goals and finding all the tools to help get them there.

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